“You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you,
and light will shine on your way.”

Job 22:28  

Notes for Contemplation as You Use this Devotional:

  • This passage in the Book of Job is a statement of faith.  As Job begins to understand what it means to have faith in God, he allows God to guide his life.
  • Think of matter as something which has substance, significance, and/or evokes a specific feeling or reaction.
  • When we decide on a matter, we gain clarity about our priorities.
  • When we imagine light shining on our way, we intuitively know our best direction.

Contemplation Questions:

Without over-thinking, judging, or analyzing, ask yourself:

  • When I consider what matters to me most, my top items are:
    • Create a list of at least five (5) things which come to mind immediately.
  • When I consider what does not matter to me most, my top items are:
    • Create a list of at least five (5) things which come to mind immediately.
  • When I think about my life now:
  • What makes my heart sing?
  • What fulfills my true purpose?
  • What needs my immediate attention?
  • What can I set aside for later?
  • What can I release forever because its time is finished?
  • What drains my energy?
  • What distracts me?
  • What bores me?

Take as long as you need with this this devotional to reflect on your lists and how your life is now.  Let this be an intuitive exercise, rather than an intellectual one.  If you begin analyzing or doubting, set it aside and return to it later.  

Remember that as we grow spiritually, our priorities change.  Also, be sure to include both tangible things, such as your home, and intangible things, such as peace of mind.  Continue using this devotional to note the changes you make.  And have faith in yourself as you allow your inner wisdom to guide you.

© 2021 – Rev. Jennifer L. Sacks – All rights reserved.

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